Monday, December 8, 2014
Rocketship Interview
In the 1990's one of the biggest names in Indiepop music was Rocketship. Their chier songwriter, Dustin Reske, is a Beach Boys fan as well!
I sat down with Dustin Reske over skype and interviewed him about his music and some of the influences that got him started. Check it out and then checkout their music at
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Aquarian Smile
Hello everyone!
I wanted to share a new version of smile called Aquarian Smile! I honestly think this is my all time favorite version of Smile. Such creativity is great after all these years. It really rejuvenates my appetite for this music! Go ahead and listen to it on YouTube or download it in mp3 and flac below (with liner notes!)
Download link 1
Download link 2 (mp3 version on this appears to be flagged as copyrighted material)
Download link 1
Download link 2 (mp3 version on this appears to be flagged as copyrighted material)
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
My Conversations With Denni Leann
Hello friends!
It's me Eric.
For the past few days the entire internet has been freaking out over Sherry Hutsell's scheme (read 3 entries below if you don't know what I'm talking about) and this has a lot of people asking me what I knew about her. My knee-jerk reaction has been to say "I never spoke to her at all!", or "I spoke to her once or twice, but she creeped me out!". Both of those are lies. I spoke to the character "Denni Leann" for 15 days.
I believed the lie for 15 days.
It happened between August 1st, 2011 and August 15, 2011. I had seen Sherry Hutsell on the Smiley Smile board since 2006 when I first joined, then the year after the character of Denni Leann began to gather believers on the forum. I never bothered to read any of her threads, so I had no idea that this was happening. I never spoke to her until she added me on facebook on August 1, 2011. In the conversations you are about to read (or not, its pretty long) I tried hard to be a friend to the perpetually sad pseduo lost Wilson. I attempted to raise her self esteem and show her that life wasn't so bad. I tried to get her to say ANYTHING at all related to me...but it never happened. She was only interested in herself and essentially used me to vent the frustrations she felt of managing such a complex digital life.
She was also determined to get me involved in her drama and when I chose to steer our conversations in a healthy direction, she would try a different piece of gossip to drag me in. She complained about the Wilson children not accepting her. She mentioned that someone arranged for the actual Wilson children to speak with her on the phone, and, according to her they kind of liked it. She mentioned a lot of wacky stuff. I believed her initially, but as time went on I tried to get more and more information out of her, which ultimately led to our parting of ways. World, please forgive me for being so gullible for 15 days.
On the last day of our friendship, the last message she sent said that she had to go to work at 6:51pm (may have been 3:51pm her time, but still, who goes to work at that time?). About an hour later I asked her to post a time stamped photo on her Facebook wall and she blocked me immediately (from work?), followed by about 30 other friends who blocked and de-friended me, some of whom messaged me, outraged that I could doubt her story. It was wacky in retrospect that any of this ever happened.
So, without further introduction, here is the unedited, complete transcript of my conversations with Denni Leann, aka Sherry Hutsell.
Conversation started August 1, 2011
8/1, 8:56pm
Eric Warncke
Beach boys fans forever.
8/1, 10:10pm
Denni Leann
right on...
August 4, 2011
8/4, 9:20pm
Denni Leann
8/4, 9:20pm
Eric Warncke
8/4, 9:20pm
Eric Warncke
sorry to hear about your hand accident
or read about it i suppose
8/4, 9:20pm
Denni Leann
it will be ok
im tough
8/4, 9:21pm
Eric Warncke
rawr, etc
8/4, 9:21pm
Denni Leann
it wasn't that bad
8/4, 9:21pm
Eric Warncke
what are you stressing over?
8/4, 9:21pm
Denni Leann
i had worse
my mom
8/4, 9:22pm
Eric Warncke
yeah, my dad stresses me out a lot
i know
8/4, 9:22pm
Denni Leann
no my mom lost my stepdad last feb and shes not well im taking care of her
and my love life too
8/4, 9:23pm
Eric Warncke
thats darling of you
8/4, 9:23pm
Denni Leann
im hurt because of someone
8/4, 9:23pm
Eric Warncke
8/4, 9:23pm
Denni Leann
and i dont take my feelings hurt well
8/4, 9:23pm
Eric Warncke
want to hear about my last break up? it might cheer you up?
8/4, 9:24pm
Denni Leann
i would rather hurt in my body then my heart
8/4, 9:24pm
Eric Warncke
i think most people would
but yeah i really liked this girl
and we had been dating for only like a week, but i liked her for a long time before we dated
and it was on my 24th birthday
we both went to warped tour together
and she saw her exboyfriend there with a new girl and she got upset and broke up with me
and the whole car ride home was SO awkward
then on the way home I locked my keys in my car and had to smash my back window with a fire extinguisher to get home
worst break up ever. I'm glad it happened though, because I know the next break up can't be that bad!
8/4, 9:26pm
Denni Leann
this wasnt a break up just hurt me
8/4, 9:26pm
Eric Warncke
well, that kind of hurt
but i obviously don't know the circumstance that you are under
8/4, 9:27pm
Denni Leann
i know
8/4, 9:27pm
Eric Warncke
you feel like telling me? I am good with the advices
8/4, 9:27pm
Denni Leann
im on meds right now
8/4, 9:27pm
Eric Warncke
which meds?
8/4, 9:28pm
Denni Leann
vicoden and i cant remember
meds are cool
maybe we talk another time sweetie
dont get mad ok
8/4, 9:29pm
Eric Warncke
oh im not mad at all
i just wanted to ask you some stuff
8/4, 9:29pm
Denni Leann
8/4, 9:29pm
Eric Warncke
and now is an awkward time
thats all
8/4, 9:30pm
Denni Leann
tomorrow ok
8/4, 9:31pm
Eric Warncke
got it
sleep good
is Leann your name?
8/4, 9:31pm
Denni Leann
im ok. i promise
the wilson kids
dont want me in their lifes
they hur me too
8/4, 9:32pm
Eric Warncke
8/4, 9:33pm
Denni Leann
they know im their sister but dont want nothing to do with me
im going through alot
8/4, 9:33pm
Eric Warncke
yeah, thats what i wanted to ask you about
8/4, 9:34pm
Denni Leann
now u know
im going now love you
8/4, 9:34pm
Eric Warncke
did you mean to send that to me?
8/4, 9:34pm
Denni Leann
lol sorry im funny
8/4, 9:34pm
Eric Warncke
i just didnt know we were in love already
foolin, see ya
8/4, 9:35pm
Denni Leann
ok. we can
August 5, 2011
8/5, 1:03am
Denni Leann
sorry. im better now. the meds wore off and i can see what i said. Please forgive me. Dont say anything about the wilsons. thats my problem and i will deal with it. im better off without them. it's their loss. I hope your not mad.
8/5, 1:09am
Eric Warncke
hi, its alright! i won't say a word to anyone. also, i wouldnt be mad about you getting loopy on meds. happens to everyone!
8/5, 1:10am
Denni Leann
8/5, 1:10am
Eric Warncke
oh youre awake
8/5, 1:10am
Denni Leann
my hand hurts like fire
im taking more meds
8/5, 1:10am
Eric Warncke
so who is your dad?
while you are sober
8/5, 1:10am
Denni Leann
i need to stay off the computer when im on
denny wilson was my bio dad but the man that raised me is my dad but he passed in feb
8/5, 1:11am
Eric Warncke
is that why everyone is so gaga about you?
8/5, 1:12am
Denni Leann
i just want to be like normal because thats all i am is like you and everybody here
8/5, 1:12am
Eric Warncke
also, sorry about your non-bio dad =[
8/5, 1:12am
Denni Leann
who is gaga
8/5, 1:12am
Eric Warncke
thats just an expression
8/5, 1:12am
Denni Leann
8/5, 1:12am
Eric Warncke
i notice jerry boyd always comments on your page
and thats bizarre to me
ya know?
8/5, 1:13am
Denni Leann
the wilsons dont want me aroud. im better off
8/5, 1:13am
Eric Warncke
i wouldnt sweat it
8/5, 1:13am
Denni Leann
why. jerry is a facebook friend
8/5, 1:13am
Eric Warncke
well i dont think anything differently of you
i think youre normal and all
8/5, 1:13am
Denni Leann
8/5, 1:14am
Eric Warncke
its just obvious that beach boys fans adore you
8/5, 1:14am
Denni Leann
i dont see any difference myself
8/5, 1:14am
Eric Warncke
and family stuff has always been tough
8/5, 1:14am
Denni Leann
why do you bring up jerry
8/5, 1:15am
Eric Warncke
he was just the first person that came to my head
i didnt mean anything about him in specific
8/5, 1:15am
Denni Leann
i dont care i talked to some and they are dtranfe to me
strange to me..the wilson kids
8/5, 1:15am
Eric Warncke
how do you talk to them?
8/5, 1:16am
Denni Leann
ok. im going to lay back down
i did on the phone john stebbins set me up
8/5, 1:16am
Eric Warncke
oh, that sounds awkward.
8/5, 1:16am
Denni Leann
just carl b and jonah
jonah is great he wants to meet me but dennys kids dont
'they are afaraid of me
8/5, 1:17am
Eric Warncke
the thought of you? or you in general?
8/5, 1:17am
Denni Leann
i kmnow things from mom that they dont want public
they are strange and not a close family
'they hardly see each other
i will explain tomorrow
8/5, 1:18am
Eric Warncke
id like to talk to you more
8/5, 1:18am
Denni Leann
i must get my hand to stop hurting'
8/5, 1:18am
Denni Leann
good night
8/5, 1:19am
Eric Warncke
i must say though
8/5, 1:19am
Denni Leann
8/5, 1:19am
Eric Warncke
DW was a gorgeous man
8/5, 1:19am
Denni Leann
im a loving person. i just had a bad day..
his ther kids are nothing like him
'only me from what im told by friends that knew him
8/5, 1:20am
Eric Warncke
keep it that way!
8/5, 1:20am
Denni Leann
i got to go..thanks
8/5, 1:20am
Eric Warncke
8/5, 1:20am
Denni Leann
you bet
August 7, 2011
8/7, 7:57pm
Denni Leann
8/7, 7:57pm
Eric Warncke
8/7, 7:57pm
Eric Warncke
how are you?
8/7, 7:57pm
Denni Leann
after what happened earlier im doing good
8/7, 7:57pm
Eric Warncke
what thing earlier?
just so we are clear
8/7, 7:59pm
Denni Leann
look at my wall. a guy called me a fake and a lier in a message, i posted and told everyone. all of dennys older friends come out message me wanting to know his name
8/7, 7:59pm
Eric Warncke
sorry, i dont check facebook like too too often
8/7, 7:59pm
Denni Leann
ven moon
was his name
he wont be bothing me no more
8/7, 8:00pm
Eric Warncke
8/7, 8:00pm
Denni Leann
how are u
8/7, 8:00pm
Eric Warncke
well lets cheer up!
8/7, 8:00pm
Denni Leann
8/7, 8:00pm
Eric Warncke
i actually saw one of my ex-friends today
so we talked and stuff
it was kind of nice
we are getting along better now than we ever did before sort of
maturity is whats up
8/7, 8:01pm
Denni Leann
i see
well is that good or bad
8/7, 8:01pm
Eric Warncke
its good
8/7, 8:02pm
Denni Leann
nothing wrong with friends
8/7, 8:02pm
Eric Warncke
otherwise, i am doing well.
8/7, 8:02pm
Denni Leann
im getting ready to swim
8/7, 8:02pm
Eric Warncke
oh you have a pool or something?
8/7, 8:03pm
Denni Leann
yes. my mom had a pool its 104 here
8/7, 8:03pm
Eric Warncke
oh man
get at me later!
have you seen the harry nilsson movie?
8/7, 8:03pm
Denni Leann
8/7, 8:03pm
Eric Warncke
oh! its on hulu for free
you should watch it later
BDW is in it!
8/7, 8:04pm
Denni Leann
sure ok.
8/7, 8:04pm
Eric Warncke
go swim and we'll talk later!
8/7, 8:04pm
Denni Leann
ok. bye for now be good
8/7, 8:05pm
Eric Warncke
you too!
8/7, 9:47pm
Eric Warncke
so ive been thinking about it
and basically there are always going to be people that don't want their "vision" of one of their heroes to be tarnished
8/7, 9:47pm
Denni Leann
8/7, 9:48pm
Eric Warncke
i think thats why that guy freaked at you
8/7, 9:48pm
Denni Leann
i lost 2 friends, well not so good friends today for no good reason
another one that was his friend to
8/7, 9:49pm
Eric Warncke
ya know, maybe they werent really good friends to begin with
8/7, 9:49pm
Denni Leann
go look at my hand in my pics 3rd album. they say its fake!!!!
8/7, 9:50pm
Eric Warncke
well, your fingers look really really fat
and swollen
and wrinkly
that thing that hit you must have been beastly
my lord
8/7, 9:50pm
Denni Leann
from getting hurt bad
8/7, 9:50pm
Eric Warncke
im no doctor
8/7, 9:51pm
Denni Leann
8/7, 9:51pm
Eric Warncke
so i have no comment on this
8/7, 9:51pm
Denni Leann
8/7, 9:51pm
Eric Warncke
but i also have no reason to not believe you
i just like, try to avoid drama completely
thats my style
8/7, 9:52pm
Denni Leann
i have lost 2 people today, one i dont care about he was strange. but then his friend turned on me also
i am
8/7, 9:52pm
Eric Warncke
i feel bad about that!
8/7, 9:52pm
Denni Leann
they can go to hell
8/7, 9:54pm
Eric Warncke
hey, we both know you are awesome
so lets get arrogant and not worry about it!
8/7, 9:54pm
Denni Leann
thanks. im not going to talk nomore today
8/7, 9:54pm
Eric Warncke
8/7, 9:55pm
Denni Leann
bye for now
8/7, 9:56pm
Eric Warncke
have a good one
August 12, 2011
8/12, 6:42pm
Denni Leann
how are u
8/12, 6:42pm
Eric Warncke
hey, how are you?
im good. im at work
8/12, 6:42pm
Denni Leann
im going back monday
8/12, 6:43pm
Eric Warncke
going back where?
8/12, 6:43pm
Denni Leann
hand is alittle numb but im better
8/12, 6:43pm
Eric Warncke
is it less swolen?
8/12, 6:44pm
Denni Leann
oh its much better
8/12, 6:44pm
Eric Warncke
8/12, 6:44pm
Denni Leann
its alittle numb but so far no tendons or nerve damage
8/12, 6:44pm
Eric Warncke
tonight im going to see my boss' band perform live
he is in an AC/DC tribute band
i kind of dont want to go, but i have to
8/12, 6:45pm
Denni Leann
why do u have to
8/12, 6:46pm
Eric Warncke
ive missed like 15 of his shows
and i feel guilty
8/12, 6:46pm
Denni Leann
i see
than you better go
8/12, 6:47pm
Eric Warncke
yeah. im hoping for the best
but i am glad you are doing better
how is your mom??
8/12, 6:48pm
Denni Leann
just put a smile on your face and act like you like it
she is fine, thanks
8/12, 6:48pm
Eric Warncke
are you seeing the beach boys in pomona?
8/12, 6:49pm
Denni Leann
can't. have to work and its to far just for a day
8/12, 6:50pm
Eric Warncke
oh. just wondering if you knew about that
8/12, 6:51pm
Denni Leann
i heard something
8/12, 6:51pm
Eric Warncke
hey will you be on later tonight?
8/12, 6:52pm
Denni Leann
8/12, 6:52pm
Eric Warncke
ill say hi to you then
i have to go
see ya!
8/12, 6:52pm
Denni Leann
cool bye
August 13, 2011
8/13, 1:43am
Eric Warncke
i just went to a good show
8/13, 3:06am
Denni Leann
cool. we got cut off earlier..sorry. Tomorrow tell me all bout it. Take care hun.:)))
August 15, 2011
8/15, 6:39pm
Denni Leann
8/15, 6:39pm
Eric Warncke
8/15, 6:39pm
Eric Warncke
whats your full name denni?
8/15, 6:40pm
Denni Leann
8/15, 6:40pm
Eric Warncke
whats with the caps?
and the secrecy?
8/15, 6:40pm
Denni Leann
sorry..didnt know
8/15, 6:41pm
Eric Warncke
i just figured out that that isnt your name
8/15, 6:41pm
Denni Leann
no ..i just dont want freaks trying to find me. im sure you understand
8/15, 6:41pm
Eric Warncke
so i wanted to know
8/15, 6:41pm
Denni Leann
denni is my first name leann is my middle
8/15, 6:41pm
Eric Warncke
8/15, 6:41pm
Denni Leann
my last name cant be put out there yet
i have stalkers as it is
8/15, 6:42pm
Eric Warncke
oh yeah?
what's that like
because ive had like hackers before but probably not window peepers
8/15, 6:42pm
Denni Leann
john stebbins and others had to get my pics off many websites
8/15, 6:42pm
Eric Warncke
how could they do something like that?
are they hackers too?
8/15, 6:43pm
Denni Leann
they are dw freak that want my moms pic today and mine so they can sell them
to gossip mags
8/15, 6:43pm
Eric Warncke
you really think any gossip magazines would actually buy that?
8/15, 6:43pm
Denni Leann
i have to be careful
8/15, 6:44pm
Eric Warncke
the only reason i ask, is because ive tried to sell stories to gossip magazines
about Pauly D from the jersey shore
and they didnt buy them
they pretty much don't care unless its lindsay lohan or charlie sheen
8/15, 6:44pm
Denni Leann
they have offered my mom book deals
she will never
betray denny
8/15, 6:44pm
Eric Warncke
well thats not betrayal
at least the way i see it
unless she says something in the book that is a lie
or he promised her to never write a book about him
i would understand that
but other wise that doesn't make much sense
she writes a nice book about how great a guy he is and makes money
i don't see the immediate harm
8/15, 6:46pm
Denni Leann
she knew him the last year the most horrible time, not much good there
he told her stories that would make your head spin
8/15, 6:46pm
Eric Warncke
1983 was no doubt a bad time for him
but i am surprised that you would need to be so guarded
i guess i am so unimportant that the ideas of obsession is a bit radical to me
ya know?
8/15, 6:48pm
Denni Leann
from day one, i have had all kinds of crap. my pics on message boards and websites
8/15, 6:48pm
Eric Warncke
8/15, 6:48pm
Denni Leann
like i said dennys old friends came to my resuce
8/15, 6:48pm
Eric Warncke
if it makes you feel any better
im not going to post anything about you on my blog
mostly because you arent a bootleg album
8/15, 6:49pm
Denni Leann
theres nothing to post. i dont step over the line
8/15, 6:49pm
Eric Warncke
oh theres always something to post
regardless of the existence of lines
8/15, 6:49pm
Denni Leann
nothing eeryone already knows
8/15, 6:49pm
Eric Warncke
i guess thats true
8/15, 6:49pm
Denni Leann
i keep things to myself
8/15, 6:50pm
Eric Warncke
well, sorry if this is an awkward conversation
i didnt intend for it to be
8/15, 6:50pm
Denni Leann
no prob
goyya get head to work
8/15, 6:51pm
Eric Warncke
oh ok
didnt realize
have fun
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
BBC Documentary 2004 "Wouldn't It Be Nice"
A few people have asked me to post the 2004 documentary Wouldn't It Be Nice. Here you go. It's been up on Myspace for a really long time. I guess everyone forgot it was there. Someone should snag this thing before it's gone.
Thanks Hilton Teper, wherever you are.
Thanks Hilton Teper, wherever you are.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
A serious thought about obsession
Hello Beach Boys fans!
It's me, Eric. I wanted to share my thoughts on a bizarre situation that has been unfolding for the past few years. In 2009 I got a friend request from someone on Facebook named "Denni Leann". I accepted as I usually do out of courtesy and learned that she believed she was "Dennis Wilson's illegitimate daughter". It kind of made sense...Dennis Wilson slept around a lot, she was 29 at the time (meaning Dennis could have been alive to father her), she seemed to know a lot of personal details about the family, but most of all, she seemed to believe her own story. She also always seemed to be in crisis. Either her mother was in the hospital, she was dying or she was about to be evicted. It was always a sob story. Some people even spoke to her on the phone, sent her money and spoke to her for over 3 years.
I figured out this was not a real person in late 2011 and called her out on it, only to have myself blocked on facebook and laughed at by about 50 of her believers. No big deal I thought...but for 2 more years this kept going on while I paid no more attention. Today when I logged in on facebook I saw the following:

There you have it. Julia Gifford is a real person who has had her identity stolen by someone for the past 5 years. When someone finally found her real profile, Denni Leann quietly deleted her Facebook account, fading into the maw of obscurity where she (or he) came from. Obviously the person responsible loves the Beach Boys and wanted to feel like they were important to this community of fans. But, there was also a financial aspect to it. A lot of older people like the Beach Boys, and when an older person hears that the child of his favorite musician is in trouble, it is near impossible to stop them from trying to help.
This person is a criminal and I feel very sad that this happened. If anyone spoke to Denni Leann or knows the person's real identity, I would love it if you would share your thoughts in a comment.
EDIT: An anonymous Beach Boys fan has shared a real letter that Denni sent them. There was a return address on the letter, and, according to Google this person lives there. The picture on the left was included in an email from Denni Leann sent to the fan. The photo on the right is from her original Facebook account before this started.

Many times Denni Leann mentioned her mom and posted pictures of her. It turns out, Denni's mom IS "Denni". Kind of sad. Kind of lonely. Completely pathetic.
EDIT 2: Since posting this article I have received A LOT of messages about this. I could completely re-write this article with more accurate information about what REALLY happened, but I'm not going to bother. This woman is sick in the head and this exacerbates her compulsion to pretend to be the daughter of a rock drummer (and dozens of other personalities) online.
She has dozens and possibly hundreds of facebook profiles that communicate with each other and I'm not sure if she actually believes these characters are real or not. It makes me not want to log into Facebook anymore.
I'm struggling to end this on a serious note, but unless someone puts a stop to this and reports it (like the woman whose identity was stolen) I think this woman, Sherry Hutsell, will just keep coming back under different names. It has bummed me out to see so many of my friends taken on a ride, believing her drama and caring about her for years, only to be devastated again to learn that the person they thought was real was, well, not.
That is a really terrible thing to do.
EDIT 3: Apparently there was one other woman involved with Sherry Hutsell who would occasionally talk to some of her victims and pose as Denni on Skype or over the phone. Could have been her sister, or a friend or someone she met at the hospital. Who knows?
I figured out this was not a real person in late 2011 and called her out on it, only to have myself blocked on facebook and laughed at by about 50 of her believers. No big deal I thought...but for 2 more years this kept going on while I paid no more attention. Today when I logged in on facebook I saw the following:

There you have it. Julia Gifford is a real person who has had her identity stolen by someone for the past 5 years. When someone finally found her real profile, Denni Leann quietly deleted her Facebook account, fading into the maw of obscurity where she (or he) came from. Obviously the person responsible loves the Beach Boys and wanted to feel like they were important to this community of fans. But, there was also a financial aspect to it. A lot of older people like the Beach Boys, and when an older person hears that the child of his favorite musician is in trouble, it is near impossible to stop them from trying to help.
This person is a criminal and I feel very sad that this happened. If anyone spoke to Denni Leann or knows the person's real identity, I would love it if you would share your thoughts in a comment.
EDIT: An anonymous Beach Boys fan has shared a real letter that Denni sent them. There was a return address on the letter, and, according to Google this person lives there. The picture on the left was included in an email from Denni Leann sent to the fan. The photo on the right is from her original Facebook account before this started.

Many times Denni Leann mentioned her mom and posted pictures of her. It turns out, Denni's mom IS "Denni". Kind of sad. Kind of lonely. Completely pathetic.
EDIT 2: Since posting this article I have received A LOT of messages about this. I could completely re-write this article with more accurate information about what REALLY happened, but I'm not going to bother. This woman is sick in the head and this exacerbates her compulsion to pretend to be the daughter of a rock drummer (and dozens of other personalities) online.
She has dozens and possibly hundreds of facebook profiles that communicate with each other and I'm not sure if she actually believes these characters are real or not. It makes me not want to log into Facebook anymore.
I'm struggling to end this on a serious note, but unless someone puts a stop to this and reports it (like the woman whose identity was stolen) I think this woman, Sherry Hutsell, will just keep coming back under different names. It has bummed me out to see so many of my friends taken on a ride, believing her drama and caring about her for years, only to be devastated again to learn that the person they thought was real was, well, not.
That is a really terrible thing to do.
EDIT 3: Apparently there was one other woman involved with Sherry Hutsell who would occasionally talk to some of her victims and pose as Denni on Skype or over the phone. Could have been her sister, or a friend or someone she met at the hospital. Who knows?
Monday, January 6, 2014
Happy New Year!
Hello everyone!
I just wanted to say Happy New Year! I can't believe its 2014! I started this blog back in 2006, so that's...a lot of years!
I am 26 now and wanted to thank everyone for their continued support and friendship. I still have most of the files on this blog that have been lost, but still no reliable place to store them. I am trying out a website called right now because I am low on cash for server costs. I'll hopefully be able to re-dump most of the stuff that has been lost on here.
This will be the year!
- Eric W

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